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MiServ is the result of more than 60 years experience working with over 4000 providers.
I have never been good at marketing. My thing is the professional side of things. Thanks to Miserv, I have the support I need in my day-to-day activities to grow steadily and face the future. Also, my company cannot perform efficient administrative management, but Miserv is a perfect companion. It is fast and transparent.”
“For us, Miserv means that we can stop worrying about marketing tasks, which is the most costly and complicated part. It is a showcase that provides us with a lot of work. I definitely recommend it to all professionals. It is straightforward to use. You receive the jobs through the Miserv App, any time. Thanks to my mobile, I can see which jobs have come in, and I have all the information I need to solve the incident.”
“The most interesting feature of Miserv is its ability to perform administrative management. Behind it all, there is a team of professionals that answer e-mails, phone calls, and manage invoices, among other things. This allows me to dedicate time to other aspects of my job. I recommend Miserv to professionals and people in general.”
I have worked with Miserv since it was launched and I am thrilled with this platform. I want to highlight their great administrative management; this takes off a huge workload. Thanks to Miserv, we also gained a lot of new clients, which we can manage through the new App.